Sunday, October 29, 2006


Such as the meesten of you, however, know YouTube on by the large company Google have been bought. I must honestly confess that I had been never on YouTube. But therefore I think I will just as look at. I come therefore on the site. And I think I leave right. It is many and much too large. You must start as a baby complete copy YouTube. And mischien are it not judicious let look at a baby there to. It is possible I must also admit very skilful to be YouTube. I myself a time has made a piece of work and thereby cd'tje done with digital content. You can will put you small film on the cd'tje. But that is not possible unfortunately. Also understandable because there stands up all illegal content. If you can download that then go everyone that sales. Nouja concerning the decision of Google to buy YouTube. No judicious decision. YouTube were never accused because they have no money. Google lie therefore zometeen for the judge. And complete mischien have we then no more GOOGLE. There we must think, however, even of. Therefore actual (find to no YouTube expert I) that Google YouTube not would have had buy. YouTube can better YouTube and no GooTube remain. And Google can remain better at its own GoogleVideo.

Kind regards,


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