Monday, October 30, 2006


Today hard living started. After weak lui on my kont to sit and write bits for my web-unwieldly. I must to the barge. 7.00 stand up 17.30 at home come. That dominates my day. The couple hour which I have then free. Those use I for my web-unwieldly and TV look at and to continue eating in life. Weetje just as between our actual finds I my daily life not at all this way terrible. That to school go ensure there that I the complete day in my bed do not lie what is moreover also quite nice. And yes if I lie till 10.00 in bed my day is actual already concerning therefore yes. That couple of hour which I train then after has care there for that I that time usefully spends. And yes for that the weekend also he differently weet are you never which day it is. In the holiday I always forget the day. Therefore yes that daily leventje can what concerns me by goes (but hee for holiday I am always open!!!!!)

Kind regards,


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